Welcome to Hysteria Lane

This is the tale of a not-so-desperate housewife and the years following unexpected Motherhood. I hope you enjoy sharing the day-to-day struggles and triumphs of a Boho Mama and her singular miracle .

Please visit my cooking blog , too - SUNDAY DINNER

and my photo blog - PERSISTENCE OF VISION

Friday, March 30, 2007

The Life of the Party

My little boy turned One yesterday.

My intsy weentsy spider is now a Toddler -
he is toddling , soon to be on his own two little feet !

My baby bug is not such a baby anymore.

Wow, did that go by fast or what ?

His party on Saturday was a smashing success - although we missed all of you from back 'home'. Your absence was keenly felt and we wished you could have been there. Thank to all of you who sent gifts & cards . It was a special day.

Mr. Buggles was so on board through the entire party from start to finish- it was
amazing to me. I went in to this thinking it was more about us celebrating the success of our first year with baby - that he would barely be aware that the party was for HIM. Wrong ! He knew completely and utterly that he was being celebrated!

He laughed and played with all of the guests as he was being passed around like a party favor.
He tasted all the h'ors deuvres , drank punch, ate cake and clapped while opening his presents.
He even kept his party hat on !
He really had a good time - that was evident by the ear to ear grin he wore all day.

I am so happy that we decided to throw a big party afterall , like i said before -
you only turn One once !

(For more birthday pics click on the Flickr banner on the sidebar to your right >
They are in a set called ' 1st Birthday' )

Sail Baby Sail

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers