The lovely thing about Thanksgiving is that it reminds one what to be thankful for . I have a lot to be thankful for this year , becoming a mother , becoming a wife and most of all for proving to myself that i am worthy of a deep and abiding happiness.
Colin is just turning eight months old , my mother just turned 67 years old ( on Thanksgiving, ironically) and my marriage is a little older than a year.
Somehow , we have all made it to this point . God help us.
And now about the turkey...
I decided to make our first Thanksgiving dinner this year at home( for six ) even though it would have been much easier to go to my sister-in-law's house like last year. But the turkey was calling and i felt i needed to do it all- not out of obligation but out of a sense of adventure - haha! Actually , believe it or not , i truly enjoy cooking and the holidays are a great excuse to go crazy and cook up a feast fit for King Henry the Eighth. What i wasn't thinking about is that I HAVE AN INFANT !!!
Duhh. How on Earth was i going to shop, prep, cook and cater all of this
I guess i assumed my husband would take the day before the holiday off as he usually does but you know the old chestnut about those who ASSUME. ; )
I ended up in a panic-state in the middle of Whole Foods , " there is no bloody way in hell i can pull this off, what was i thinking??"
My husband, W. somehow managed to talk me down after i stormed off to find the Free-Range turkey desk ( i kid you not , they had one of these ) to order a last minute bird - Bird Under the Wire , so to speak.
It was decided that our niece would babysit while i went about the business of re-enacting Martha Stewart's last stand. Yeah , that will work, it's all clear to me now...
Needless to say , i did manage to pull it off - the turkey and all the trimmings ala Fine Cooking magazine and W. and the kids loved it , right down to the last drop of homemade mushroom gravy. They all loved it so much in fact that the entire family fell head - long into a post-turkey coma and slept for two hours when we were supposed to be on our way out the door to my sister-in-laws for dessert. And Colin slept like a little lamb after tasting the first ground turkey of his little life thus far. He gave new meaning to 'Gobble Gobble ' !
So , we missed dessert and snored our way into oblivion instead.
Ahhh, the pull of the Tryptophan fairy is not to be trifled with.
Nightie nite.