My step-daughter continues to heal and my son continues to grow. Colin just turned 17 months and is FINALLY a true toddler - walking AND talking his way through his little life like a miniature Frankenstein . He even has the growl down- rrrrowwrrr ( this he learned while reading Animalia by Graeme Base . You know , "lazy lions lounging in the library" ? He is busy destroying our house, the village is next.
He loved the beach this year . No more fear of the ocean - just a good , healthy respect. He ran right toward the waves holding our hands like a baby sea turtle trying to return from whence he came.
My favorite moments are of him playing in the surf while the gentle tide formed pools at the edge- just the right size for Bug to explore and wade in safely on his own. He played unencumbered by any sense of time and watching him was like a meditation for me.
It was something my battered heart needed badly.
My husband calls him our 'little band-aid ' because he has such a comforting and healing effect on us . Life can be so difficult at times but these sweet little babies keep us afloat , don't they ? Yes, they are exhausting and SO much work but it is a trade-off for moments like this . Just look at him , so at peace , so happy in the world. In his own skin.
If only we could go there more often , too.