Here it is , a new year and a full moon on the horizon. We are just settling back in after another road trip - this time to visit friends in New York and see the fantastic James Hunter in the city at the BB King club. Introduced to JH's music this summer by two friends of mine and given tickets to see him play by two friends of W's - all now dear and mutual friends of both. We are doubly blessed.
We had a great time with our NY connection and Buggles got to meet my friend from the city, too , finally. It was a a fun trip all around. Lots of friends and lots of food , wine and MERRY making.Our friend's teenage daughter celebrated her 1 year anniversary of sobriety during our trip and it was really good to share in that joy with them. A brand new year brings good tidings.
All that said - It is really , REALLY good to be home. We are exhausted -too much holiday traveling - we are planning on staying put for awhile.
Bugs sprouted his two front teeth on the trip and started babbling in a whole new , sophisticated way . Woo-hoo and Wow and Ooooh are now in his repertoire and he sings refrains of these whenever something strikes his fancy - which is often.
He is still struggling with the crawl mechanism- just a lot of " i feel good , danna nanna nah " rocking back and forth on his knees. He did try to pull himself up to standing today and almost made it but slid down the swing pole he was using for leverage. He is a man on the move.
I am finding myself harboring a secret wish to keep him semi-mobile as long as i can - i need time to adjust our pace. I really like being able to leave him on the floor with some toys for a few minutes alone while i try to get anything done. Once he starts crawling it will be a whole different ball game. I am savoring my days....
My New Year's resolution this year is to get my life organized again. Moving , getting married , having a baby , taking care of a new family all have taken a toll on my recent trend towards a more stream-lined life. A Zen aesthetic, as it were.
What has happened in reality is more of an Anti-Zen movement of the first order.
I am making a concerted effort this year to change that. Or at least find out where my favorite nursing bra disappeared to. That would be good.
What has everybody else resolved to do this year ? Please share.
We all need a support group in times of need. The forum is open!