I wasn't going to post for Mama Says Om this week because "Static" , the theme for this week , threw me. Immersed in laundry , baskets and bushels full , all i could think of were the necessity of those handy anti-cling dryer sheets at this time of year.
But static , clung. As it were.
All i have to do is look at my beautiful , growing, baby boy and i realize NOTHING ever stays the same. Change is inevitable, like it or not. It moves us ,moves with us or moves through us but it moves just the same.
We totter along through life at a snails pace or zip through it like a March hare and all along change takes place before our eyes like a fine moss growing on a stonewall, filling in the cracks and crevices that we and the ravages of time leave behind.
My boy's smile is now sprinkled with snowflake teeth , his hair downy swirls where the tender pink of his softspot once showed through. He pulls his little body into a stand , crawls on all fours like a small fragrant animal and gives a kiss when asked.
These things are all new and keep morphing into newer and different things with each passing day. He is changing all of the time now.
And i am , too.
I am learning to count each day as precious and unique and never to come again. I am able to look forward to each new day as a day in which i will receive yet another fleeting gift of something new. The new soon to be old but with the promise of more to come.
To be static is to cease to grow , to stagnate , to forget that we have but one chance to make it all count on this good green Earth.
It is too easy to forget that we are all moving forward in time , one baby step at a time .
Change is always the field ahead of us.
We have to remember to make room for this change , to water our plants and to remember how beautiful it is to watch them grow.
I guess that is why the camera was invented. To capture this passage of time and remind us how lovely it all was and is.