" I would not creep along the coast but steer
Out in mid-sea, by guidance of the stars..."
-George Eliot - Middlemarch
It seems I have been 'tagged' by AscenderRisesAbove for a Meme ( i always thought that a Meme was a grandmother - shows how 'square' i really am )
Square peg in a round hole , more like.
Anyway , i digress...
I guess this particular meme is a middle name game where one applies a fact to each letter of their middle name that would reveal something about themselves and then at the end tag a person per letter to do the same . So here i go . Sort of.
Seems simple enough as i only have three letters in my middle name .
Ann. yup , just Ann - pretty boring , huh ?
I always thought i should have had an interesting or exotic middle name like Evangeline or Melusina or something.
Well, i will just to have to work with what i have...
A is for Aspiration
"The young have aspirations that never come to pass, the old have reminiscences of what never happened. It's only the middle-aged who are really conscious of their limitations--that is why one should be so patient with them." Saki- Reginald
A spirations... as a mother i now have more aspirations than ever , heaven help me. Not only do i want to finish my novel someday, have a proper showing of my photographs , really learn French this time, play the piano , become a yoga instructor , make a smaller ecological footprint ( both literally and figuratively ) and have regular dinner parties with anything but regular guests- NOW (post-child) i aspire( and feel a great need ) to do something to help foster world peace , to get my spiritual act together so i don't end up confusing my son , get in great physical and mental shape , start a children's library , learn about trains , set a good example in speech and manners , show some minuscule interest in Sports ( does Tai Chi count ?) , get CPR certified, get organized , the list goes on and on.
The single hardest thing i have been trying to do is JUST BE , which believe it or not , i actually succeed at most of the time.
This is why i suck at regularly updating my Blogs .
Please forgive me.
I guess I am like that little plant always leaning toward the sun , trying to grow against all odds. But i guess that is the point of an aspiration , right ?
More simply put ;
A for always trying.
N is for NO
"I am sure that if the mothers of various nations could meet,
there would be no more wars."- E.M. Forster - Howard's End
No more War. I would like to watch my child grow up in a peaceful world.
I want to live there, too.
N is also for Negativity - life is full of irony
"People deal too much with the negative, with what is wrong.
Why not try and see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom? " -Thich Nhat Hanh
Nix on Negativity. I would hereby like to banish all negative thoughts, deeds and words from the lexicon of my life.
At least for 15 minutes per day....
oooh , that was kind of negative wasn't it ?
; )
And last but not least , here are my tags.
Learn something new from someone you don't know
( isn't that the whole point of Blogs anyway ?)
A dAncelikenooneiswatching
N fraNgiblepie
N thepiNkyshow