In Solidarity with the brave women of Vermont
Yes , That is me breastfeeding my baby boy.
Some of you may have seen all of the hullabaloo on the boob tube ( pun definitely intended here) earlier today about Mothers for BREAST FEEDING in public. One of the women in question was holding a sign that said " Stop being a pervert- Nursing is natural and necessary" while nursing her child at the same time. ( We all knew mothers are great multi-taskers! ) So , i , too am nursing while i write this editorial. How ironic. ; )
Apparently some troglodytes out there are still offended at the sight of a woman giving sustenance to her child. Considering that you can usually see more skin on on a thirteen year old just walking down the street these days ( think ass-crack , cleavage, whatever) I find the whole idea of the infintesimal possibility of seeing a small slice of a nursing mother's nipple deemed offensive to be , well , offensive. And ludicrious. Our whole American society is based on freedom and family values , supposedly. Unfortunately a small, but growing number of small-minded people would like to spell out what they think constitutes freedom and family.
Considering that most of today's media is driven by sex and the prurient ( yet repressed all the same) i find this concept of banning nursing in public to be heinous and unconstitutional. Hey , if it offends you - don't STARE> it's a breast , not a weapon of mass destruction. Look the other way , hum the star-spangled banner and go about your own damn business. We are trying to feed a kid here . And that means less crying and impingement on your ( and our) right to a peaceful day.
That's why i posted what heretofore was a private photo .To show that if something as beautiful as sustaining a new life is somehow icky or distasteful or even uncomfortably sexy to you , then it is YOUR problem . So , deal with it. We nurse.
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