YIKE! Christmas is only 4 days away !
Why did we go away one week before Christmas - are we nuts ?
We are also traveling to NY for New Years Eve at a friends . I haven't even unpacked yet ! Or sent Christmas cards out ! Or started my shopping!
That's all right for those of you who know me you know i am into the whole "Winter Solstice" vibe anyway - a whole season of celebration. So you will get your cards/gifts....eventually. ; )
Actually , my panic is a bit unecessary because last night we transformed our house into a veritable Santa's workshop and baked our brains out. My step daughter Zoe came over at 1:00 in the afternoon and we made gingerbread until it came out of our ears, literally.
Colin sat in his highchair and played while we rolled out dough , baked and decorated like pros. At one point he reached over and put both fists into a bowl of white icing and he ended up covered in a snowy white crust of sugar. I was still picking it out of his hair this morning ( and that was after a bath ). Clean-up was hell.
It looked like someone blew up the Keebler treehouse.
Zoe and her Dad went out and got the tree , strung the lights and beaded garland and brought in all the boxes of ornaments. The entire house is filled with tubs and boxes and bags again and i wonder if we will ever be without some maelstrom of disarray taking over our home.
It was like this before i moved in after W's renovation , then again with my relocation, the pregnancy and labor ( we at one point filled the hallway with a collapsible labor pool) and then baby's arrival with all of the necessary accoutrement - swings and buzz chairs and pack-n-plays. And laundry . Oh , don't get me started on the laundry.
Baskets and baskets of laundry seem to sprout up overnight. I have 4 baskets of CLEAN laundry waiting to be put away. Sigh. It is a futile task to feel 'finished' with housekeeping of any kind. No wonder Fifties housewife's had an overly enthusiastic attachment to martinis and 'mother's little helpers'. And we're not talking elves here !
I need a drink , dammit !
Nursing has it's downside. Tee-totaling is it .
But , the gingerbread is made, the tree is lit and there is always Amazon.com , thank JESUS. I guess we are supposed to scurry around like little mice around the holidays. It helps to burn off all of the cookie fat.
Happy Holidays everyone !!!
Jesus Beezus! I finally found your little corner of the world. Oddly enough, there's another "Hysteria Lane" but there's no posts there so you win.
Ah, your first Christmas as a mom. That's very cool. I can't ever be a parent (when I tell people I don't want kids, I'm accused of being selfish. Oh give me a break, more people should be so in touch with their needs!)
I am in Springfield now and drove by Enfield on the bus and all I could think of was how much I wanted to visit the bookstore and how sad I was that it no longer existed in its old location. It's drizzly and rainy and mercifully cold. Let's all pitch in and do our part for the world so that my niece and nephew and your Colin will only think "global warming" was a fairy tale.
I am running around my parents house with the "That Girl" theme in my head and am thinking of making a kite with a cartoon face of me with a flip hairdo and running through Central Park. Seriously.
Merry Christmas!
Girl, where is your latest post?
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