There is a silence in my heart today.
By now , you all have probably heard about the tragedy that took place in Virginia yesterday. This took place mere miles from the quiet , safe , insulated suburban community of Arlington, where we live. But this could have happened to my step-son who thankfully, in this instance, chose to go to a different college far from home.
Tragically , it did happen to someone's child , to many other children . There are countless grieving parents in our neighboring town today.
It is in that respect that this great loss has happened to each and every one of us . This has happened to every parent who places faith into the idea that our children will be kept safe in this world. Somehow, some way.
Something went terribly, terribly wrong yesterday in Blacksburg and instead innocent children lost their lives in a senseless , random act of violence. So we grieve instead of smiling today when we think of our children.
It has been anything but silent here as the news media, authorities and parents of the slain college students scramble for answers. It has turned into a Guinness Book of World Record's media frenzy " the most slain ever in the United States ! " circus of horrors. Everyone is blaming everyone else and little , if anything is shedding any light onto the question on every one's lips today "WHY ?" .
We will probably never know all of the reasons why this happened, that answer was in the mind of the young man who committed this desperate and devastating act. He is dead now, along with his victims . His voice, their voices silenced forever by the barrel of an automatic weapon.
So , I am quiet today inside, too. In their memory.
I sit here in silence trying to remember.
Trying to forget.
I ask anyone who reads this to share in a moment of silence and to pray for the families who lost someone that they loved yesterday . Go hug your kids and show them something beautiful today . Sit in silence together and count your blessings . Remember that everyday is a gift. Today , more than ever, it seems.
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