Love is in bloom in our house.
Zoe is unquestionably 100% in love with Colin.
Just look at the two of them together. I think the feeling is mutual.
My step-daughter had a hard time initially with the idea of having a new
brother. SHe already had her older brother Duke and was always thought of as the 'baby' . On the cusp of womanhood , she is struggling like all adolescent girls her age with what it means to grow up. She is having a hard time -
with body issues, social pressures and any change that adds more to the already overwhelming list of what makes being a teenage girl so tough.
We were wondering if she would reject Colin as she was less than thrilled to hear the news about his imminent arrival. Well , everyday she warmed up to the idea as she got to hold him and interact with him. It really started to take hold though as he grew more and more curious - about HER. He would reach out and touch her , laugh and try to make her laugh. They are really becoming fast friends. There is a lot of nuzzling and kissing going on now.
Now Zoe tells her Dad , " I can't wait to see Bug !" and she really means it.
You can see it in her face when she looks at him. Her smile is full of rose petals. We recently got her this funky new bedding full of flowers for her room at our house and she and the baby spent all day playing together in their new 'garden'.
Our backyard is a blank canvas that i have just begun to paint. I recently added 40 roses, wisteria, lilacs and various other flowering shrubs to it before i go on to plant countless perennials and my long-awaited kitchen garden.
So in the meantime , i am willingly looking in other places for my blooms these days. I didn't have to go too far to find what i was looking for this time ...
inspired by mama Says Om
40 Roses!!! My goodness, ambitious! Here's a tip, I must tell you. Plan chives around the base of your roses -- bugs hate the smell of chives, and they will leave your roses alone. It's magic.
Love, love, love the picture. They're bonded for life. So sweeeet!! It must make your heart melt to see them together like that.
Ah, it does sound like a good life
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