Is anyone else out there tired of giving ? Ever ?
I feel like i give 150% of myself everyday and just now as i re-cupe from surgery ( see posts below for details) i am feeling a tad used-up .
My sis-in-law sent me a topic "the Meaning of the use of the term 'Bitch' in modern society "and it really got me thinking. Being a former student of film studies and cultural criticism , of course i am familiar with this subject . It has long been discussed among feminists.
But of course , today i personalized it . I was feeling a bit bitchy, i guess.
This is what i wrote :
i am sure my husband , if asked right now , would say i am a Supreme Bitch.
He has had to take on my role for a little over a week
( with the help of babysitters AND a nanny )
and has voiced his displeasure more than once about how hard it is to take care of someone who "is difficult to be with"(and he meant me , not our 19 month old son)
Am i being a Bitch , perhaps ?
Actually, i am just a woman who is in pain ,
more or less helpless due to undergoing surgery to improve her health
and her ability to be a good wife and mother . I am a woman who is missing her baby terribly and her freedom and is in need of a little compassion and understanding during her short but necessary hiatus from
all of her 'womanly' duties.
Too much to ask ?
My husband, to be fair , is trying his best.
Am i in a bad mood and less than pleasant ?
So what ?
Men bring their day home constantly and sometimes become angry, impatient and critical , then turn sullen , silent and unreachable at times-
all with the expectation of our understanding , tolerance and compassion.
And we give it , don't we ?
So why is it when women ask the same of their men
they get labeled and dismissed as a 'Bitch' ?
Because the true definition of Bitch is a female dog-
and when one is treated as such and gets beaten down enough ( as loyal and loving as dogs normally are to man)
- they can snarl and bite when provoked !
After all , it is our only self-defense in a world still hostile to female power.
Our voice, that is.
SO , i say -
Bite back , ladies.
We can give as good as we get , can't we ?
Amen, Sister!
You took some of these words RIGHT out of my mind! Not that I am recovering from surgery, but I have two sick kids and one hubby who is pretty much avoiding the germs, while I wallow in the vomit.
Sigh... the life of Mom.
It's always amazing to me how little my husband can handle before he becomes frazzled and stressed when it comes to the kids. There certainly is a reason WE give birth and not them!
I hope you get lots of rest and recover soon!
I'm going through the same thing right now. I broke my ankle and am layed up right now. Husband has been a huge help, but it's really been my mom that has been the most helpful. It's a lot for him to come home from work and have to help out, maybe it'll just help him realize how much I do. Anyway, take care and hope you recover soon!
The worst thing is to be kicked when you're down. That really hurts! Sad that he's not seeing this.
Ask him if it will bother him if you're not compassionate if he ever has major surgery. Because karma is a bitch!
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