It has been awhile since my last post as the cold weather does its best to get a stranglehold grip on my psyche. I am in uber-hibernation mode these days , barely venturing out of the house lest i frost-bite Buggle's beautiful rosy cheeks into frozen lady apples.
It has been bitter cold here and i leave the house to go to my yoga class on Sunday mornings ( my 'church' ) and to do a bit of grocery shopping- that's it . We while away the long Winter days playing games of hide and seek under the heavy blankets and 'let's cuddle and read a story' - my sneaky ways of keeping warm amidst the chill. That baby boy generates heat like a lilliputian furnace and i am no fool - i keep him close on the blustery days.
We watch the hours pass like snowflakes - which are decidedly absent from our Virginian landscape - always on the forecast but never arriving , it seems.
We keep busy putting stickers on the dog , dancing to various drumbeats- real and imagined- with our Uggs on and having tea and a mid-day snack with Winnie the Pooh ( the old one , not that horrid new version on the Dismay channel ) or Beatrix Potter - Bug's current favorite.
He repeatedly REPEATEDLY requests 'Ummies and Caw Caw" ( like the French word for Duck Canard -dangerous if mis-pronounced ) which loosely translated means - 'Tom Kitten and Jemima Puddle Duck" Over and Over and Over , as an almost-two year old is wont to do. I find myself willingly donning my inner thespian's cap and reciting along with the characters word for word. What else is a mama to do ?
At least it isn't Barney . The Great Purple One and his frighteningly annoying entourage of pod children are officially banned at our house.
Mean , i know , but really , there are limits if one wants to remain sane in the dead of Winter.
For a mean recipe to beat the Winter Doldrums visit Sunday Dinner ( it involves Dumplings )
So, if I ever want to drive you nuts, all I have to do is sing:
I love yooou
You love meee
We're a happy famileee
(sorry, just couldn't resist)
P.S. totally cute pix of Bug
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