I am happy to report that Bug is no worse for the wear today. His bruised plum cheek is fading quickly and he is his cheerful , curious little monkey self again. Phew.
Another near tragedy averted. And i have forgiven myself. Sort of. At least the worst pangs of mother guilt have died away. Sheesh. This job is hard !
We made other strides this weekend, as well. Colin succeeded in sleeping in the bassinet ( Da still has to build the crib ) for several hour intervals. Of course this included lots of waking , crying , nursing , patting and placing and replacing of wubba nubs. He came to bed with us in the end , but he did good for his first try. Mommy needs sleep , too.
So he is a serial sleeper, but that's ok -
he is entitled to a learning-to-self-soothe curve. And i love watching his little cherub moon face on the video monitor . Bug TV !
Colin also has made a big leap into the tub. He is no longer afraid of the bath . We got him one of those rotating circle seats by Safety First and he can sit in the tub unencumbered without me grabbing onto him while he slides around like a slippery eelikins.
He is surrounded by his plethora of colorful bath toys and happily splashes around like a little duck while i scrub his nubblies. His favorite things to do right now are watch the water flow through the sea sponge when i hold it above his head and get squirted by his rubber duckies. He cackles uncontrollably , sucking in air and making a oouuuuooot noise like a seal pup. Too much cuteness !
Today , we have a DTAP booster to look forward to ( not ) and packing for our upcoming trip to the Caribbean. A long delayed honeymoon has become our first International travel experience as a new family. We all have new passports , even Bug. His picture is so funny - his head is huge and lilts to one side - he looks a bit like a Most Wanted poster child , but very handsome, of course. I just hope he likes the airplane...
1 comment:
Both of my kids took tumbles as infants and man it can really max out the guilt-o-meter on anyone. My husband had a double dose as it happened on his watch not once, but TWICE in a 24 hour period! Our son had just learned how to roll over and my husband didn't realize how quickly he could do it and our son rolled off the side of the bed while my husband was walking around our bed to get to the other side. It happened so quickly, my husband was caught off guard completely. Then thinking it was a fluke, he put the baby on the bed the next night and the same thing happened! Wanna talk guilt? Poor guy! Our pediatrician insisted she speak to him on the phone to make sure HE was handling things okay because she said these kinds of accidents really upset parents to the core. And she is right. As much as we logically know it's an accident, we sometimes blame ourselves as if it was an "on purpose" and could somehow have been 100 percent prevented.
Glad your guilt-o-meter is receding! Have a great trip!
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