I am a first time Mom so when we found ourselves fitting into a nice little groove lately , i actually thought it might last awhile.
Ha ! What nap schedule ? What predictable pattern ? That was short-lived ...
For one thing he is completely all over the place in terms of naps during the day - even if i nudge him towards his 'usual' time and he is rubbing his eyes with those dreamy heavy-lidded eyes of his - there is absolutely NO guarantee that he will sleep. Sometimes he will fall asleep and when i put him down ( swing , crib , it doesn't matter ) he will pop right awake and start talking or crying until i pick him up again. I actually tried leaving him to cry ( something i don't really believe in at this stage ) and he just stayed awake , even after he stopped crying.
So , i have been just letting him sleep when he actually falls asleep and stays asleep. I guess he will eventually pick up a new pattern . I think he wants to drop one afternoon nap but just can't decide which one he wants to let go of.
One morning recently, he decided to get up at 5:30 and present us with real human speech ! He has been toying around with vowel sounds forever now but no "Mama" or "Dada" yet . Instead he came up with his first two real words - "Hidey Que". Yes, Hidey Que. Nonsense , you say ?
Not at all .
We figured out that since he watches Project Runway every week with us when my stepdaughter Zoe comes over that he must be trying to say "Heidi Klum", which i can only owe to her once-again-pregnant and looking lovely Uber-Nursings -
Bug's favorite thing in the world !
Thanks alot , Heidi.
No MAMA, just the name of some supermodel being bandied about our house. As if having one male in the house under her thrall wasn't enough...
So, the only Project Runway on tap this week is making it to the airport on time, which translates into a 3:00 am wake-up call for us. We drop off Lula at her boyfriend's house tonight ( she is staying with friends and their Shihtzu while we are away ) make one last trip to the pharmacy , me trying to fit all of my airplane baby needs into 3.4 oz baggies and then a few short hours of sleep and we are off.
Wish us luck , i am feeling we are going to need it !
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