Welcome to Hysteria Lane

This is the tale of a not-so-desperate housewife and the years following unexpected Motherhood. I hope you enjoy sharing the day-to-day struggles and triumphs of a Boho Mama and her singular miracle .

Please visit my cooking blog , too - SUNDAY DINNER

and my photo blog - PERSISTENCE OF VISION

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Image Crazy

Well , being in a sick bed has its advantages.
I may not be able to go out and take photographs but i can scour the archives for now...

i started a new blog called Persistence of Vision -
a photo blog of sorts -to house my more artistically inclined pieces.
If something doesn't fit here on Hysteria Lane or
at Sunday Dinner , my food blog
then it will most likely end up HERE

Please visit if you have any interest in the visual .
There should be a little something for everyone


Remember a photo a day helps keep the Doctor away...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's great -- keep it up.

Happy Thanskgimme to you too, gorgeous!

Sail Baby Sail

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers